For 15 Boston teenagers in our Teen Urban Tree Corps program, this summer was marked by learning, engaging, and climbing trees. They learned from dozens of professionals, got their hands dirty with Boston's Tree Warden, and even climbed a red oak at Franklin Park with Women's Tree Climbing Workshop. And, through it all, we're building and preparing the next generation of urban foresters and tree care professionals. Next week we'll be releasing a 2-minute video about their work. Watch a preview today!
In the coming weeks we'll be sharing out the results of this program, including our analysis of what teens learned, how the program changed their thinking about trees and Boston, and, most importantly, THEIR visions for a future urban forest. They created 3 exciting planting proposals that we hope to implement, with your support and help, in the coming year. It's all part of our vision to bring Tree Equity to Boston. Check out our Tree Equity train(ing) graphic below to learn more. It is our core belief that the voices and passion of youth in Boston are needed, now more than ever, to guide Boston's urban forest. They will inherit this city. Let's make sure that it's a city that is resilient, healthy, and equitable. |