Jobs & Opportunities

Current Job Openings

  • MassCEC Internships


    Internships for Summer 2024 have been filled. We will begin reviewing Fall 2024 applicants in mid-July, 2024.

    Every spring, summer, and fall semester we seek 2-3 interns to help with communication and event planting. Interns work closely with staff to write newsletters, blog posts, and social media, assist with event coordination, and do research, outreach, and other activities as needed. You can read more about the opportunity on the MassCEC website.

    Details: Pay is $18/hour for 12-16 hours per week for the fall and spring semesters and approximately 30 hours / week during the summer semester. Interns are expected to come to the office, 1/week during the semester and 2-3 times / week during the summer. To apply, please fill out online form. (Please note: you must be a Massachusetts college or graduate student or recent graduate for this internship.)

  • Board members

    Board Member Openings


    Passionate about environmental justice and equity? We are actively growing our board. Learn more and apply to join.

  • Current Opportunities

  • Tree planting

    Have a site in need of some trees? Fill out our tree planting proposal form.