Tree Planting at Mount Hope Cemetery

Enter your information below

Volunteer Waiver

I am volunteering to assist Speak for the Trees (SFTT) and American Forests (AF). I have volunteered my time and services because of my support for SFTT and SF's work in Boston, and my desire to participate actively in the furtherance of their work. I understand that my activities as a volunteer entail a risk of physical injury or death and that I may be exposed to hazards arising from vehicular travel, use of tools and equipment, and strenuous manual labor. I further understand that accidents or injuries may occur in locations or under circumstances where medical attention is not readily available.

I expressly assume all risks associated with or arising from my volunteer activities. Because the assertion of claims against SFTT and AF for personal injury occurring during my volunteer service would be antithetical to my support of SFTT, AF, and the local partners and their goals and would reduce their ability to accomplish their charitable purposes, I grant this release.

I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of Speak for the Trees regarding safety and use of all equipment.

On behalf of myself, my estate and the personal representative thereof, my heirs and assigns, I hereby forever release SFTT, AF, and their officers, directors, employees and agents, from any and all costs, claims, losses, liabilities or damages arising from or in any way related to, my service as a volunteer. I intend this release to be effective, regardless of whether the claim of liability is asserted in negligence, strict liability in tort, or other theory of recovery. For myself, my estate and the personal representative thereof, my heirs and assigns, I covenant and agree to make no claim, nor to institute any suit, action or proceeding against SFTT, AF, and their officers, directors, employees and agents, relating to any accident, incident or occurrence arising out of, or in connection with, my volunteer activities.

Covid Agreement

I attest that:

-I have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 5 days; if I have been diagnosed as positive with the virus, I have been cleared as non-contagious by state/local public health authorities or a medical provider.
-I am not currently experiencing any symptoms of illness, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, and haven’t experienced symptoms in the past 5 days.
-I agree to call Helen McIntosh, AF’s Vice President of Human Resources, at (202) 601-1985, if I develop any symptoms of illness within 5 days after the event. I agree to communicate these developments as soon as they are known to me.
-I do not believe that I have been exposed to a person with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the past 5 days.

I am following recommended CDC and state guidelines:
-Masks are optional and provided on planting day
-Hand sanitizer is provided for my use on planting day

Photo Waiver

Speak for the Trees, American Forests, and local partners may use my photographs or video of me in our publications, press releases, social media, and on our website.

Release of Liability for a Minor (Optional)

Please fill out if volunteer is under 18 years old
I warrant that I am the legal guardian of the minor listed above, who is not yet of legal age, and the minor has the right to contract on my behalf in my name without violating any other commitment.

Electronic Signature

Please type out your full name as acknowledgment of these agreements.