Offsetting Your Footprint

SLAS is committed to reducing the climate impact of the SLAS2024 International Conference and Exhibition.

One of the ways to do this is to ask you to help us reduce and offset the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to your travel to/from the conference.


Initiating action begins with assessing our impact. Trade shows generate significant emissions through travel, often accounting for 70% or more of an event’s total emissions. SLAS deems it essential to communicate this information to its members to foster transparency and accountability. We are committed to consistently monitoring and sharing information on our travel impacts annually.


We encourage everyone to consider their travel arrangements to best reduce the impact of GHG emissions. Prioritizing direct flights and utilizing public transportation while on site are great ways to reduce your travel footprint. Visit the SLAS website to learn more about public transport while attending the conference.


Speak for the Trees, Boston, is a non-profit organization based in Boston that undertakes initiatives to promote environmental justice, racial and social equity, public health, and addressing climate change. The organization advocates for the development of a healthy and fair urban forest in Boston.  Every $100 contributes to a carbon offset of 10,146 lbs CO2e* through Speak for the Tree’s tree planting projects. Based on SLAS participant travel data, we have calculated an average impact of 1,584 lbs of CO2e per participant.


You can offset your travel emission with a small contribution of the average offset cost of $15.50.

Total Amount
Info about you

If you'd like to have your name listed differently in our annual report than what you've included, feel free to enter that name in the space above. This might include including a partner, a family, or an alternate spelling.

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NOTE: This contribution will go directly to Speak for the Trees, Boston; however, a Certificate of Carbon Offset will not be provided for these contributions.

*Calculations made using iTree and growth of a 1″ DBH Red Maple tree over 25 years