
Seedling Giveaway Feedback Form

Thank you so much for being part of our ArborWeek 2022 celebration. Please take a moment to fill out this feedback form, so we can hear about your experience and improve our seedling giveaway plan for ArborWeek 2023. Don’t forget to send in any photos from your event to trees@treeboston.org. Thank you!

A Week’s Worth of Tree Celebration coming to Boston, April 24-30

Speak for the Trees, Boston announces their celebration of Arbor Week in collaboration with over a dozen community partners, including the Arnold Arboretum, The American City Coalition, and Boston College. In-person and online events, including forest bathing, a reading and writing event, and free-tree giveaways,  will be held from April 24 through April 30. All….Read more

ArborWeek Seedling Giveaway 2022: Sign up today

In celebration of Arbor Week, April 24-30th, Speak for the Trees is offering Boston community groups, schools, and nonprofits free seedlings to distribute in their communities. This year we are providing the following species: white oak, tulip poplar, bald cypress, serviceberry, chinkapin oak, sweet gum, red mulberry, and Washington hawthorn. Each seedling will come in….Read more