*This letter was sent to us from a group of residents in JP regarding the preservation of a big oak tree at 72 Hyde Park. Congrats on their amazing community advocacy! Dear tree protectors, We continue to celebrate our successful collective effort saving the big oak at 72 Hyde Park. The oak is now covered….Read more
Along with residents and other NGO partners, we worked to “Transform Narratives for Environmental Justice” Speak for the Trees joined forces with Emerson College’s Engagement Lab for the 2023-2024 academic year, enriching two courses: “Creative Expression for Climate Justice” and “Behavioral Economics.” Julia Rudolph, our community engagement coordinator, became a “Learning Partner,” actively participating in….Read more
Speak for the Trees’ three-year strategic plan charts the goals, strategies, and actions that we plan to undertake from 2024 through 2026 to sustainably grow our organization and Boston’s tree canopy.
A small glimmering green insect, the Emerald Ash Borer, has found its way into Boston’s forest. Often shortened to EAB, this beetle feasts on ash trees, the 6th most common street tree in Boston. Of the approximately 38,000 street trees across the city, 1,817 are green ash trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) and make up 4.7% of….Read more
On Saturday, June 24th, the highly anticipated Boston Urban Forest Friends (BUFF) Symposium took place at the beautiful Arnold Arboretum Weld Hill Research Building. The BUFF Symposium is supported and sponsored by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). The theme of the symposium was: Growing Together: The Urban Forest Plan and How Boston Becomes….Read more
Speak for the Trees Hosts First Annual Teen Tree Summit Speak for the Trees hosted a highly successful Teen Tree Summit on Saturday, June 10th. This event celebrated and highlighted the environmental work of several youth groups in Boston that introduce participants to work and educational opportunities in the green sector. The organization of this….Read more
American Forests has recently developed a free powerful new digital tool – the Tree Equity Score Analyzer (TESA), based on its Tree Equity Score Explorer – that enables users to explore the positive environmental impacts of tree planting scenarios in their cities. Tree equity, one of our core values at Speak for the Trees, is….Read more
Join us April 21-29 as we celebrate trees In the spirit of community, Speak for the Trees, Boston, is proud to announce a series of events to celebrate trees and all they give us. We hope you can join us either in-person or online to acknowledge, thank, and honor trees. Trees are critical for our….Read more
“I hope to spread awareness in my community about the importance of trees and how to make an impact.” – Melania Our Teen Urban Tree Corps members have been busy doing great work this year! Thanks to the City of Boston’s SuccessLink program, we were able to hire three BPS students for our School Year….Read more
For the past several months, our Education Fellow from the College for Social Innovation, Victoria Leda, has been taking the lead on teaching lessons on tree equity and tree identification to children and youth throughout Boston. We are thankful for the partnership with several local organizations who made this work possible. Victoria has been supported….Read more